Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back on Track

So I have been home for a bit here now, and things finally seem to be settling into a groove.  I think that from here on out we should have things a little more organized and less hectic.  Of course, we have more company coming tomorrow, Eric is talking about heading back to the states after that, and we are making arrangements for an assembly next week.  But for now, we have a good groove.

It's been kinda rough weather these last few weeks since we all came back down from the states.  The rainy season has been in full swing, although it has not been as cold, which was nice.  January was basically a complete write-off by the time it was all said and done.  As if being back stateside didn't wreck my month enough, we then spent basically a whole week moving Joe to his new place in Santiago. (Joe would be our old roommate who went to MTS and then got himself assigned away)  It took so long because of the weather, and the fact the we had to go shopping for so many different things: we had our whole house put together combining everyone's stuff, so we had to replace all the stuff that Joe took with him, and Joe had to replace all of our stuff that got left behind.  That left about the last 5 days of the month to go out in field service.  Like I said, January was a write-off.

The good news is that when we do get out, the studies are amazing.  Down here, we find a lot of people that aren't very well educated.  That doesn't mean they are stupid, they just have never had a chance.  I have a study right now with a woman way out in the hills that is a good example.  The 'main' road to the house is so bad, when it rains it is basically impassable because of the mud.  The kids that live out that way don't even try to go to school.  Of course, when I say impassable, I just mean more fun.  But anyway, this study has had hardly any education.  Her reading and vocab are very poor, and she has little other knowledge, but she is one of the smartest studies I have ever had.  She grasps the points and answers in here own words with ease.  When I first started studying with her, I was afraid to cover to much information at a shot because of her limited reading, but now she is one of my fastest moving studies.  Another one of my studies is a police officer who, because of his crazy schedule (and mine), hasn't had his study in a while.  Today, however, he chased down Mike on his bike to tell him that I should come by the police station and we can study there.  Cool.

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