Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Bidet

Wow, am I ever tired!
After only 2 days down here, Matt and I moved into another apartment. So my last three days have been spent hauling furniture and junk around, cleaning and unpacking. The new apartment is nice though. We only moved about a block, so instead of getting a truck, Matt and I just carried everything down the middle of the street. Fridge, beds, couch, table, everything. Just another day in Luperon. Nobody even thought it was strange that we were walking down the middle of the street, stove in hand.

Here are just a few pics of the new apartment.

Here is our bidet, so we can wash our boots off.
My room
The kitchen
The rest of the apartment, from the kitchen
The same area, but from the door

Home sweet home!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Here and alive

Well, the plane didnt crash. Thats about all I have to say for now. We are moving to a new apartment tomorrow, so busy busy busy.

I put some pictures up of the new place in a while.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hampster Mix

Ok, you all knew this was coming.

Basically, I'm just testing how I can put videos on here.
Probably everyone has seen this by now, but for those who haven't, it's rather self-explanatory.
As you can see, our last little trip in the DR was very serious and professional.

First Post

Welcome to my little blog. Don't get your hopes up, I doubt this will be very interesting. After all, at this point, I am still stateside.

A few points for those of you who are not familiar with blogs. I make posts, everyone can see them. You all can leave comments, everyone else can see your comment. To make a comment, click on the comment button below a post. Each post has its own place for comments, so a comment you make on one post will not show up on another. Just make sure you put your name in when you make a comment so we know who you are. Click on videos to play them, I hope they work. Clicking on pictures will make them bigger. The front page of a blog only shows the most recent posts that I have made, but you can always go back and look at old ones in the archived section, which you can get to with the buttons to the side. If you need any more help, send me an e-mail, or ask someone under the age of 25 to figure it out.

Lastly, I will try to post regularly. For now, I will post when I can, but in the future I promise to get on some kind of regular schedule. I'll let you all know what that will be when I get there. Don't expect much more then once a week, but hopefully I'll get it to where I put a new one up each weekend, or something like that.