Sunday, April 26, 2009

Memorial Video - Part 1

Ok, so we had such a crazy time with our Memorial down here, that when we all got home, we sat around and told all of our stories so that we wouldn't forget anything.  So at midnight, we dig out the camera and the following is what comes out.

We sat there and talked for over 30 minutes, so I can't just put it all up at once, so here we have part 1.  Its not very fancy, but I hope you all enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some old video I found

We are working on a video where we talk about some of our memorial experiences, so that we can put it up here and all of you can see our lovely faces.  It is still a work in progress, but while working on it I came accross some old footage from the district convention down here last summer.  I never bothered to post it online, because, as you can see, there really isn't enough there to bother with.  It is only about 30 seconds long, because nobody wanted to say anything when the camera was around.  But here it is-  I thought that I owed you all something after letting the blog blank for so long.

It also works as a good test/teaser for the memorial video. :-)

Monday, April 20, 2009

We have internet at our house!!! Sorta. . .

Well, after a month-long battle with the phone company, we are signed up for 3G internet service and are good to go. . . mas o menos.  There have been a couple of snags already, mostly that the signal that we can get at our house is rather finicky.  We know that it is possible to get really good fast internet with what we have here, because we have done it at least twice here today messing around,  but unfortunetly it is a little less then reliable.  We have some more equipment comming in to hopefully fix that.  The other little problem is that my computer doesn't see to want to play nice with the internet, so once again I am stuck making this little blog post from a friends computer.

This is not like back stateside, where you can just call up any one of  a dozen different companies and have your service hooked up by next week.  We really only have one option, because of the area in which we live.  Getting to the point that we are at required 4 trips to the city, and collectivly almost 10 hours of waiting in line and dealing with the company.  But at least we are on our way.

So if you are waiting to see the pictures and video that I have, sorry again.  I just wanted to let you all know that we are working on it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

If Anyone Is Still Out There. . .

OK, so let me start off with a very overdue apology. It has been over two months since my last blog post, and for that I am sorry. It has been made clear to me that I have been missed, so I will do my best to get this blog back on track.

It’s not like I have been neglecting the blog on purpose for the last while, I just haven’t been able to get to it. I even tried several times to post some things, even the pictures that I promised two months ago, but the internet was never cooperating when I needed it. Over the last two months, we have had some serious power problems, which we still haven’t resolved completely. Also, the satellite internet only works with clear skies, which we haven’t seen very much recently. So whenever I did get a free moment, that still doesn’t mean that I can get online, or that the internet is working well enough to send anything. And those free moments have been few and far between. In addition to being up to my eyeballs is stuff for the congregation and trying to make my service time, we have been to the capital and to the branch to take care of our residency here in this country, we have had the campaign and the memorial, we had our CO visit, and I have had 4 talks out, 3 of them 3 weeks in a row. But all is well, at least I have been getting a lot done. . . I think anyways.

I do have some stories out of all of that, and I hope I can get them up here soon. Especially about the memorial. We have been trying to get some type of internet in our house, but that has proven to be very very difficult. Right now I am using a friends laptop and internet in the city, so I don’t even have any pictures right now. But anyways, if anyone is still checking my blog here, hopefully we can still resurrect this thing one way or another.