Monday, December 19, 2011

One more week

There was no post for last week because our host congregation had their special assambly day, so we didnt go into the city, we didnt even leave the complex.

So here we are with just one more week to go, and its gonna be a doozy.  Finals . . . Yey

Im just going to put a photo or two here, after i get back home, ill be able to sort them all out and put some more up.
The first few are the group of all of us in the apartment of couples who live here in the complex to take care of it.  They had us over for a snack and to look at pictures :-)  The last one is a brother in the bathroom in the middle of the night, practicing his talk.  We've all done it at one point or another during the school :-)

Just one more week in this paradise and then its back to the real world.  So this is probably the last post untill after I graduate, hope you all enjoyed sharing a little bit of the experience with me.  Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers.  And for reading :-)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo day pictures!

So we got the official photo day pictures back, thought i would share a few:
The first are the guys from my dorm. There are 3 dorms for 24 of us, so 8 to a dorm.
Next is my cargroup, they have us all split up to go to host congregations, so I am with one of the instructors and his wife (Victor and Naida Fernandez) along with 2 other brothers.
The last photo is the informal group picture. The official group photo will have to wait untill I graduate. :-)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

More pics

Hey! That last pic worked! Lets see how many more i can get to work:-)

One should be me with our instrctors, if i grabbed the right one, is not, its one of my classmates lol
Another should be a view in the dinning room (goooood food, im getting fat :-/)
And last should be one of the kitchen after my crew was done cleaning it; how bout them apples hehe

Rule breaker

A pic of one of our instructors talking on his phone in the dinning room - lets hope the picture makes it, cuz this is comming from my phone too.

a quick note

im on my phone here in a supermarket that evee letry has wifi - one of the insteructos is my ride so i only have a minute. i just wanted to lert
o myphone is not behaving, so this msg is going took wierd burt im good, we just took our midterms, so we shall see monday how we all did, also have group pictures, but ill have to get them up another day.n . . having fun :-)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The view from the back of the class

So of course "Y"oung gets put in the very back. . .
We are between classes here: good time for a photo :-)

Some pictures

First day of class!
Study study study
The dorm building
Thats the edge of the dorm on the left, and the building with the kitchen, dining room, library and classroom to the right. And you can see the gazeebo in the back. :-)
My roommates - on the weekends we pick up supper at the kitchen and take it back to the rooms.


So, here we are! It still isnt really the first day of class, we have a day
or two of training - how to get the corners right on the bed, how to pull
the right weeds, how to scrub the floor . . . Oh yeah, they tell us the
kitchen floor only gets scrubed on wed and fri - anybody want to guess what
two days my group is assigned to clean the kitchen? But its all good; once
you learn the tricks for everything, and work as a team, should be smooth
sailing :-)


Ok, so. . . As of right now it looks like my phone doesnt want to send
email. . . But thats ok, i can write whatever and send it all at once when I
am in the city.

I was saying before about how the first few days are nothing but training in
the *trabajo fisico*
I spent the morning with a machete, chopping down a small forest; and the
afternoon was dish detail. . . Again.
I think we need to make some cardboard signs that say "will work for bible
But its like an RBC project, we're all happy to work.

We had our Thursday meeting last night. There are still a few bugs to be
worked out with our host congregations (where we will go in small groups) so
all 24 students, together with the instuctors and their wives, went to the
local hall where the couples that take care of the assembly go. Lets just
say we packed the hall :-) I think we shook the walls whenever we sang.
Best of all, the first song of this weeks meeting? 85

For some reason, as we were singing, this big cloud of mosquitos flew in and
lodged themselves in everyones eyes. . .


Ok, so that was all stuff from the first week - I tried to send it a few times but it didnt go through . . . :-(
but at least its up now :-)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back in the DR

ahhhhh Home sweet home . . .
except that I leave tomorrow for MTS . . .

tooooooo much to do and not enough time to do it :-)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wooo hoooo!!!

Going to MTS!

I will be back in the DR on the 15th of Oct, and on the 18th I'll be in class :-)

Down side is that there will be no internet for me for those 9 weeks . . . but i should be able to email from my phone. I will try to email a few updates to the blog while I am there, maybe even a picture or three. Probably wont be able to share much about class, but enough to show where im staying ect. and that I'm still alive.

Then the end of Dec mom and dad will be coming down for a week or two . . . I doubt ill need to post anything about that because everyone will hear about it from them lol

WOOOO HOOOO for you guys too

Monday, September 26, 2011

In Response

Recently I have been requested info on congragations in the DR, here on the blog and elsewhere. If you know me, or at least have met me in person, I will be happy to give you all kinds of help and information. We need all the help we can get, and 'need greaters' love to recruit. hehe

However, I unfortunetly will never post such info here on the blog or send it to someone over the internet. Can't be too carefull these days, can we? If anyone is interested in getting in contact with a congregation in the DR or an area in particular, your secretary can help you get in touch with the DR branch. (don't worry, there are people there that speak english lol) The branch can then connect you up with anywhere in the country that you want, or recomend a good area.

Hope that helps!

Monday, August 15, 2011


So I'm back stateside for a bit . . . nothing to report but work work and more work.

I will be back in the DR sometime in October, so untill then, nothing to report :-)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I have conquered the world

So it has been quite a while since my last post, sorry. . . again. It’s hard to post things on a regular basis, mainly because I just go about my life and there aren't many things that happen to me that I think make interesting stories.

Well, today I have a story for you.

The Dominican DMV is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. My US driver’s license isn't valid down here, so we are supposed to go through the process of getting a Dominican driver’s license just like all the local friends. It is, in theory, a similar process to what we have in the states: first, a written exam, then you receive your learners permit. After waiting about two months I think, you can go back and take your driving test to get a real license. Almost a year ago, I went and took the written test, and I have been driving with a permit, which is just fine for a motorcycle, and I don't have a car so it was never a problem. However, a permit is only valid for a year.

So today I went to take my driving exam.

You start the process going to the bank to pay the taxes and fees to obtain a license. It is telling that the government dictates that you have to pay at the bank, because the people at the DMV are not qualified to handle any money. As a matter of fact, the first thing you see when you arrive at the DMV parking lot is a giant sign that says “YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY ANYONE TO ‘FACILITATE’ ANY PROCESES.” Upon entering the building itself there are at least 4 copies of a sign that say “In these offices you should not pay any money to anyone for the government services offered here.” There are also signs that have the number for the anti-corruption hotline. (Yeah, that’s right, the Dominican has an “anti-corruption” hotline, although you have to give them a little something first before they will hear your complaint). So the first thing that happens when you get there with the receipts from the bank and your ID, is they take you to a back room with a photocopier to make copies of your documents. A few of the instructors that administer the test are sitting around with one of the secretaries that do your paperwork. They were on their break, singing gospel songs. (I can’t make this stuff up) While they have you back there, the subject first comes up:

“If you like, I can take care of this license for you. . .”

I started out playing dumb. “What do you mean?”

“You can just leave your papers here with me and pick your license up in an hour.”

“How does that work?”

Bueno, for 800 pesos. . .”

So I pull out my Dominican ID and point to what it says under ‘Occupation’

“See this, I am a missionary, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, un hombre de dios. . .”

“Oh, sure sure, no problem, I am Christian too, only 500 pesos for you. . .”

“No, you don’t understand, we follow the law, if the law says I have to go take the test, I will go take the test.”

I get a blank stare

“I’m not giving you a bribe, I’m going to obey the law”

So then he starts to backpedal

“I understand, I am a god-fearing man too. It’s hard to do what is right with Satan all around”

Yeah, you’re tellin me.

So they let me go register to take the exam, and I’m told that it starts around the corner at 2. All the people who are taking the test should be there at 2, and then come back to the office after they are done. We have about 20 minutes to kill, so we head over early to where the test is supposed to start. There we find the layout for the parallel parking test. It is A) composed of cones with sticks that do not stick up far enough to be seen and B) sticking far out into the road, like parking between two wide load trailers. The guy I’m with, whose SUV I am borrowing for the test, gives it a try. Fail. We are thinking, no way this can be a real test. So I walk over to this lady who is sitting out in front of a “driving school.”

“Is this where the test starts?”


“Is that the real parallel parking test?”


“That’s crazy! Does anyone actually pass it?”


“Say what?!?!?!”

“well, everyone just pays . . . if you want, for 800 pesos we can park it for you”

“of course you will . . . no thanks, I have a few minutes, I’m going to go practice”

So I spend the next 20 minutes trying to parallel park for the first time in 5 years . . . in an unfamiliar SUV. I finally got it in without hitting the sticks, even if I still was a good bit away from the curb. At this point it is 2:15. No other cars have shown up to take the test, and no instructors have shown up to administer the test. So back we go to the DMV offices to see what is going on. When I show up, the instructors seem surprised that there is anyone actually taking the test. So one of the guys gets in the car with me, and off we go, just the two of us, to take my test.

First up, parallel parking. He gets out and watches me, and I am just praying to be calm, take it easy, do it well. Wouldn’t you know it, swish, right in, a foot away from the curb. I was ecstatic! Ha! Take that! My instructor comes over to the window:

“No, this is bad, you are too close to the curb, take it out and try again”

Ok, so attempt number two. I put it in, thinking to myself, ‘ok, not so close this time.’

“No, no good, too far away”

You have got to be kidding me.

He gets back in and makes some notes on his clipboard.

“You didn’t do well there” he tells me, “but don’t worry, I’ll help you out”

Oh great.

So on with the driving route. I don’t know the route, so I am depending on him to tell me where to go. When we get to each intersection, he tells me which way to turn. After a few turns he tells me:

“You’re not doing very well. You need to turn your turn signals on earlier.”

“Ok, you’re right, they should be on earlier. So maybe you can tell me which way we are turning earlier?”

Next up on the test is a curved entranceway to a vacant lot. I am supposed to back up, around the curve, and park where the yellow line ends. Backing up, I have to back around a big pile of leaves and branches that the rain left piled up in the gutter. I am driving over all kinds of trash and debris. You can really tell that this testing course gets a lot of use.

When I park the car, we get out to check how I did. It looks good to me, about a foot away from the curb . . . but of course, nothing is that simple.

“This is too close”

“It is a foot away from the curb”

“The gutter is included in the curb”

He then proceeds to scrape away some of the junk on the road to uncover that there is in fact a cement gutter that extends about a foot out from the curb, before the asphalt starts. Well, he’s the boss, so I give it another try. This time, to find the edge of the gutter, he has to scrape away about two inches of gravel that is completely coving the gutter and the whole side of the road. Once he finds the edge, he uses his sneaker to measure where my tire is at. As it turns out, his sneaker goes about an inch past the edge of my tire.

“No, this is too close”

“You can’t even see the gutter or the curb because of all the gravel and trash”

Yeah, like that matters at this point. He looks at me with a straight face and says:

“I’m trying to help you, but you only have one more point left to loose or you fail”

All that is left is to drive back to the DMV, what could go wrong?

“Do you know what the yellow line in the middle is for?” he asks me.

“Of course, it is the dividing line that you can’t cross”

“Then why did you cross the line?”

Oh come on! Now you are just making stuff up! But I kept my cool:

“Sir, I am fairly certain that I didn’t cross the line, I know that you can’t cross the yellow line”

“Yes you did”

Dear God, help me keep my cool with this idiot. . .

When we pull into the DMV he looks over his “notes” and says to me:

“You didn’t do very well, lots of errors, but let me see if I can’t help you out”

How kind of him, offering to help me out like that. He told me to wait while he went inside to talk with the others. I guess someone must have told him about my stand earlier, because when he came back out he just told me to go in and wait for my license. Vamos a ver

Now, the way the Dominican DMV works is that they do the licenses in batches. From noon to two they take care of learners permits, and all of the permit cards come out at the same time to be handed out. The group that needs a license starts at two and when they are all done, out come the cards. A dozen people received their licenses with me that afternoon. Funny, I don’t remember seeing anyone else out on the test course.

So I have my license, we get back in the car to leave, done deal right? You would think. As we are about to pull out of the parking lot, here comes my instructor. Must want to say goodbye after the good times we had together. . .

“I see you have your license”

“Yes, thank you” (It is the polite thing to say, right?)

“You know, you made a lot of errors, I really had to help you out . . . maybe you should help me out with some money”

Seriously . . . SERIOUSLY

I pull out my ID again with its handy occupation line:

“I’ll tell you the same thing I told the people inside . . .”

“Yeah yeah yeah, this has nothing to do with Dios, just a little bit of money”

Just then my cell rings, it’s my roommate. Thankful for the distraction, I excuse myself and pick it up. When he asks me how things are going at the DMV, I get an idea:

“I’m still working on it” I say into the phone, the Dominican instructor not a foot away from me,

“It hasn’t been very easy; you know how these people are, trying to ask for bribes and get money out of you. . .”

I guess I must have shamed the guy enough, because by the time I hung up, he was gone.

Conquered :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yay! Hope everyone had a good Memorial
Here we had 114, which is pretty good for 26 publishers.

We only had it once this year, I don't think that anyone has the energy to try and do two in one night again.
None of my studies made it :-( I had high hopes for a few of them; we were making plans on how to get there and some help to get them home. . . oh well, thus we begin a week of going around and yelling at them all. . . just kidding, we don't yell at our studies. . . anymore. . .

I was going to upload some pictures from the Memorial here, but I was busy so a Dominican sister had my camera :-( sad to say all the pictures came out blurry and/or with peoples heads chopped off. Maybe next year.

Edit: oh, and still no bridge. silly me for believing a Dominican timetable

Friday, April 8, 2011

Somehow, the congregation of El Ranchito needed to order 7 copies of the new
Watchtower Library 2010. . . hmmmm

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I cant really compete with Michele's latest blog post. . . so why try :-(
lets see, whats new around here. . . not much. I know I know, Im boring. The biggest news around here is the bridge, which they have been working on for how many years.

Heres what it looks like now:

its not finished, but we can climb up the sides and cross on foot:

Everyone is hoping that they can have it so we can cross in time for the memorial.

No more rafts! yay!

Friday, March 11, 2011

They Are OK!!!!!!

Just talked to Kazu. . . both he and Yamato, and their families, are all OK.

Even they still dont know much about the damage, Kazu has friends in the north that he still hasnt heard from. . .

I'll post again if I hear more.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

At the beach

I don't exactly take alot of pictures, so I guess Ill just put up what I have. . .

Sorry about the gap. . .

We have been having a house full of problems over the last weeks:
The power has been funky. It sometimes comes in at about 30-50 volts instead of the normal 90.
The water was off in the whole town for about a week, and when it finally came back, our drains were all clogged up. Don't ask me why. . . even though this is a nice house, it is, how should I say, Dominican designed :-(
The antenna that gives cell service to our area is down, so when we need to make calls we have to chase signal. Sometimes that means talking with your head against the window, other times it means standing in the middle of the street.
Oh, and last but not least, the internet has been horrible. I am posting this now, even though I should be getting ready for the service group here in our house in about a half-hour, because the net seems to be running well thismorning.

but, you know. . . life goes on

I'm not really complaining about any of this; its pretty standerd stuff for down here. I'm posting it more as an excuse for why I havn't posted in the last 2 weeks. Sorry again.
I have to go now, but if the net is working well later, I have a few pictures to put up.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy anniversary Bill and Sally!!!!!!
Congrats on 50 years!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

As requested

You have to give the people what they want. . . .

Lets see, what else is new. hmmm
Superbowl was disapointing, and not just the Steelers, we had to watch it on ESPN Spanish, so no good commercials either.
Oooo, and we have a zone visit this weekend, on Sunday, so that should be fun.

I'll post more soon :-)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Here we go again!

So here is my first blog update:

Eric is fine ->
thats his wife next to him

Mike is doing well for himself as well

And Matt hasnt changed much either

(its cold on the bus)

This is the home of the nice couple that feeds us lunch every Friday, so we dont have to cross the river twice :-)

and a pretty picture!

I'm doing just fine myself thank-you-very-much

I'll try to keep posting pictures, and a story about Mike's big surprise for Mavrik. . .