Monday, May 25, 2009

Foto Update

I put a bunch more pictures up as of today - some are the old ones I had on the blog before and some are new.

Whenever I put new pictures up, I will try and remember to make a note of it here on the blog to send you over that way to see them.

Also there is now a permanent bar on the side of the blog where there will allways be links to my pictures.  One link will take you to the sets where everything is organized, the other link just shows all the pictures starting with the newest ones, which is handy.

And as a side note, we just hit over 2000 visits to my blog - kinda cool.  I hope you all are still enjoying it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I have at long last put up the pictures that I have been promising for the last 6 months!  It has been quite a bit of work to do them all at once, but thats what I get for putting it off.

All of the pictures are stored on my Flicker photostream.  Just follow the link here and you can start looking through them all.

edit:  I changed the link to take you to the page where the pics are organized into diferent sets.  I think its a little more organized that way.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I guess I shouldn't complain about the rain. . .

It has still been raining down here on a regular basis.  Back stateside they say that April showers bring May flowers.  Down here April drought brings May's tropical downpours.  And it is a very tropical rain: every morning it is really nice out, and every afternoon the rain comes like clockwork.
But I guess that the rain really isn't that bad compared to what it could be: hail.  Thats right, the other day we had hail.  
As in half-inch hunks of ice falling from the sky.  
In the tropics.  
It is the first hail that anyone here remembers in over 20 years.  It was the most bizare storm that I have ever seen.  It was a really bad thunderstorm, but the sun will still out.  So while there is thunder and lighting and hail, the sun is shining so bright on the pavement that the rain and hail are steaming off.
Very cool.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where am I?

Well, these rainy days have been so productive for me. . .

One of the things that I have been wanting to do for some time is show everyone where I live.  How to do that?  
Google Earth of course.

Untill recently, the pictures of our area were rather, well, bad.  But there are some updated images now, and you can actually see our house!  yay!

So here goes:
Our house:                                  19°48'57.15"N,  70°56'6.86"W
The El Ranchito Hall:              19°48'4.16"N,  70°56'51.35"W
Matt and Debora's Building :   19°53'31.75"N,  70°57'42.80"W
The Luperon Hall:                  19°53'15.86"N,  70°57'47.19"W

If you have Google Earth, there should be a box in the upper left of the program that says "Fly To."  Simply copy and past the numbers above into the little box, hit enter and watch the world spin, magically stopping above my house.  Cool huh.

If you don't yet have Google Earth, but know enough about computers to follow instructions, and wish to waste a bunch of time looking at my house from space (and finding yours too!) just search for "Google Earth" (on, I don't know, Google maybe?) and follow the instructions.

Happy hunting!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rain Day

I thought we were done with this rain stuff.
Maybe not.
So Eric and I are sitting here on our balcony waiting for the rain to stop.  All we are missing right now is some door to door, which is bad enough, but if this rain doesn't stop soon, we are going to miss all of our studies in the afternoon.  Even if it lets up right now, I doubt that I will be able to make it to one of my better studies at 4 (about 7 hours from now) because the rain has already deepened the not 1 but 2 rivers that we have to cross to get to it. 

But such is life. . .

Otherwise the month is going well.  Eric made cherry cobler with the cherries we picked the other day.  The fact that these Dominican cherries have 3 seeds each in them made things rather interesting.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today we had lunch with an older couple in the congragation that live on the other side of the river.  Cherries are comming into season, and this sister let us pick as much as we wanted off her trees.  Yummy

Mike has been gone for over a week now and we sure are busy without him.  Eric and I are taking care of all his studies, so between the two of us we are doing over 20-some studies a week.  Just in the last 4 days I put in over 24 hours in service.

Oh yeah, and it is starting to get hot down here - again.

I think I need a nap now. . .

Friday, May 1, 2009

Poll results

Well, 5 of you got it right. . . I'm going to have to put a harder one up next time.