Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sorry about the gap. . .

We have been having a house full of problems over the last weeks:
The power has been funky. It sometimes comes in at about 30-50 volts instead of the normal 90.
The water was off in the whole town for about a week, and when it finally came back, our drains were all clogged up. Don't ask me why. . . even though this is a nice house, it is, how should I say, Dominican designed :-(
The antenna that gives cell service to our area is down, so when we need to make calls we have to chase signal. Sometimes that means talking with your head against the window, other times it means standing in the middle of the street.
Oh, and last but not least, the internet has been horrible. I am posting this now, even though I should be getting ready for the service group here in our house in about a half-hour, because the net seems to be running well thismorning.

but, you know. . . life goes on

I'm not really complaining about any of this; its pretty standerd stuff for down here. I'm posting it more as an excuse for why I havn't posted in the last 2 weeks. Sorry again.
I have to go now, but if the net is working well later, I have a few pictures to put up.

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