Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yay! Hope everyone had a good Memorial
Here we had 114, which is pretty good for 26 publishers.

We only had it once this year, I don't think that anyone has the energy to try and do two in one night again.
None of my studies made it :-( I had high hopes for a few of them; we were making plans on how to get there and some help to get them home. . . oh well, thus we begin a week of going around and yelling at them all. . . just kidding, we don't yell at our studies. . . anymore. . .

I was going to upload some pictures from the Memorial here, but I was busy so a Dominican sister had my camera :-( sad to say all the pictures came out blurry and/or with peoples heads chopped off. Maybe next year.

Edit: oh, and still no bridge. silly me for believing a Dominican timetable


Mary said...

Encouraging to hear you had such a good attendance. Didn't hear a number for Mifflintown yet; but it was much fuller than I remember seeing for many years. I had one student show up with her son!! Yeah!!
Good to hear from you, keep up the good work

Judy said...

sorry about the bridge. hope you got across with out getting wet. Jersey Shore had 103 with about 50 pubs. We had quite a few first time attenders. Doug and I had our couple study and their daughter come. I heard Muncy had one person show up from getting the invite in his door! Thanks for the update.

Deb n Doug said...

Lewistown had 137 which is up from last year and two of my studies came for the first time!! It certainly has been an exciting month. Enjoy your school (for Ministerial Servants) this weekend.

Rosemary said...

Glad to hear the encouraging report. You know that we had 136. I had one student attend. There were new faces for the Special talk. There are a lot of new calls being cared for in the congregation, some are now Bible students. I need to turn some of mine over to other publishers. Sorry to have been missing lately, but glad to be back. I enjoy your experiences. Hope the bridge gets finished sooooooon!!!!!