Monday, September 15, 2008

No, We Didn´t Get Blown Away

Well, we survived the hurricane. Our little apartment was transformed into a makeshift shelter for some in the congregation. We had an elderly couple from the hall staying with us during the storm. They are former special pioneers, and she, who is still pioneering on the infirm list, has been pioneering since 1960 when the ban here was lifted. Anyway, we had them, as well as another sister with 3 little kids with us for the night. We borrowed this big hunk of foam pad for the kids to sleep on. The storm really turned out to be not much of anything though. It passed far enough away from us that we only really got just a regular storm. The families that stayed with us got a little bit of watter in their homes but no real damage.

There hasn't been much else going on here, because Matt and I both have colds (still). I'm just getting over it, while he is just catching it. At least I have managed to avoid the pink-eye epidemic that is going around. And I'm not exaggerating when I say epidemic. Probably at least 75% of our congregation has had it in the past month.

The only other big event that has happed is that our literature finally arrived. Everything that we had ordered for the congregation since April (well, half of everything) all arrived last week. We really needed it, because we have been out of Teach books and Bibles for over two months now, and out of brochures for a month. That and a month and a half's worth of magazines all came at the same time. It was about as close as a bunch of Witnesses can get to, well, to the morning of a certain pagan holiday in December.

Hasta Luego


Anonymous said...

Glad to here that you are all in one piece. I guess we take ou regular lit. shipments for granted. It's hard to imagine being without.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the storm passed. Thats a good arrangement that the witnesses stay in groups. What did you all do while you were waitng out the storm, did you play card games? I bet the whole congregation turned into a bunch of book worms with the lit shipment.

Anonymous said...

hey - i think you missed your big chance Cory... i mean everyone here was all prepared to hear this great story of some tropical disaster and how Cory saved the day... and you tell us 'it wasn't that bad' ?! what's with that?! -just kidding - take care

Anonymous said...

Glad everyone is OK. Did you get a lot of stories from the former pioneer friends?