Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Little Game the Brothers Down Here Play

So the last few days have gone pretty well.

Jason seems to be really get a real taste of what the Dominican is like. Today he got to cross the river for the first time, and then got to cross another river on a donkey (don't worry, I will get some pictures up soon), then coming home the raft guy had to give him a piggyback ride to shore.

We also had our special assembly day Sunday, which was a very nice program. When we got there, Brother Abad, the elder in our hall, tells me that from here on out I am going to be the talk coordinator. Ok, that sounds easy. Then he explains that it all has to be done with the other coordinators right here at the assembly. I don't know how they do things in the states, but I have an idea that this system is pure Dominican. Basically, it consits of all the coordinators from the halls in our circut standing around in a specified area playing a game something like "Pit". If you get the mental image of these brothers yelling "two speakers two speakers, who can trade me two speakers" you wont be far from the reality. It was like getting thrown into a shark tank. Going in, I get the advice to be very carefull because the other brothers will try to take advantage of me, taking all I have and not giving me any speakers in return. But seeing as how we only have two speakers in our congregation, I am at the same time getting advice to do the exact same thing to every brother that I can. All and all I came out pretty well: at least we should have speakers for awhile.

Then on Monday we went to the beach with a big group, but more on that some other time, because where I am connecting to the internet is on an outside balcony, and I am actually getting rather cold. The sun went down and it has dropped below 70. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr


Anonymous said...

Well, after talking to Bill, I can say that is pure Dominican. Yikes! Can you see that here? We definitely want to see pics of Jason. Glad he's having a good time.

Deb n Doug said...

Sorry you got a little chilly! Glad you're taking good care of Jason. Looking forward to those pics.

Anonymous said...

pit haha... sounds purely dominican to me!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it much the same here, except the brothers use e mail and telephones. Your way sounds like way more fun.

"Mommy" said...

Poor you down there "freezing"! Sounds like things are going good and always something exciting happening.

Tyese said...

hahahaha....70 is HOT Mr. CORY. silly man. anyhow, i could not stop laughing thinking about people yelling two speakers two speakers! funny. how are you?????