Monday, April 13, 2009

If Anyone Is Still Out There. . .

OK, so let me start off with a very overdue apology. It has been over two months since my last blog post, and for that I am sorry. It has been made clear to me that I have been missed, so I will do my best to get this blog back on track.

It’s not like I have been neglecting the blog on purpose for the last while, I just haven’t been able to get to it. I even tried several times to post some things, even the pictures that I promised two months ago, but the internet was never cooperating when I needed it. Over the last two months, we have had some serious power problems, which we still haven’t resolved completely. Also, the satellite internet only works with clear skies, which we haven’t seen very much recently. So whenever I did get a free moment, that still doesn’t mean that I can get online, or that the internet is working well enough to send anything. And those free moments have been few and far between. In addition to being up to my eyeballs is stuff for the congregation and trying to make my service time, we have been to the capital and to the branch to take care of our residency here in this country, we have had the campaign and the memorial, we had our CO visit, and I have had 4 talks out, 3 of them 3 weeks in a row. But all is well, at least I have been getting a lot done. . . I think anyways.

I do have some stories out of all of that, and I hope I can get them up here soon. Especially about the memorial. We have been trying to get some type of internet in our house, but that has proven to be very very difficult. Right now I am using a friends laptop and internet in the city, so I don’t even have any pictures right now. But anyways, if anyone is still checking my blog here, hopefully we can still resurrect this thing one way or another.


Judy said...

Glad to know that youare still alive. Thought you may have been washed away. I'll look forward to the stories.

Deb n Doug said...

Glad you're busy doing good things, but good to see you back. We'll look forward to more!! Hope your power and internet problems improve.

Anonymous said...

hey hey... i've heard that story before!! haha glad 2 hear all is well

Grammy Linda said...

Good to see you back with us. Makes me happy to see that you are busy doings Jehovah's work. Love Ya!

Chad and Michele said...

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...just kidding...We're really proud of you guys and all that you are doing there! Keep up the good work!
We miss ya!

"Mommy" said...

Sounds like you're keeping busy busy! Looking forward to hearing more stories.