Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some old video I found

We are working on a video where we talk about some of our memorial experiences, so that we can put it up here and all of you can see our lovely faces.  It is still a work in progress, but while working on it I came accross some old footage from the district convention down here last summer.  I never bothered to post it online, because, as you can see, there really isn't enough there to bother with.  It is only about 30 seconds long, because nobody wanted to say anything when the camera was around.  But here it is-  I thought that I owed you all something after letting the blog blank for so long.

It also works as a good test/teaser for the memorial video. :-)

1 comment:

Deb n Doug said...

Cuuuute!! Looking forward to the Memorial video.