Monday, May 25, 2009

Foto Update

I put a bunch more pictures up as of today - some are the old ones I had on the blog before and some are new.

Whenever I put new pictures up, I will try and remember to make a note of it here on the blog to send you over that way to see them.

Also there is now a permanent bar on the side of the blog where there will allways be links to my pictures.  One link will take you to the sets where everything is organized, the other link just shows all the pictures starting with the newest ones, which is handy.

And as a side note, we just hit over 2000 visits to my blog - kinda cool.  I hope you all are still enjoying it.


Deb n Doug said...

like the new feature! am I 2001!!

Chad and Michele said...

Hey Cory! I love the photos...what a crazy group you are...
I particularly liked "Home appliance delivery" and "the one with the group nap"....what happens in the DR stays in the DR, heh? haha
Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Keep 'em coming!

Rosie said...

Like the home appliance delivery pic the best! Jason on the donkey is just a howl!

Judy said...

Love the format. Keep them coming.