Monday, July 21, 2008

The Happy New Family

Here is a picture of the happy new family, as requested. The littlest one is cute, he has been going around telling everyone his new last name.

On a completely unrelated note, anyone know any good home-remedies for wasp stings? I got hit on my ankle while on my bike, and now my whole ankle is half stiff and sore.


Anonymous said...

We always used a paste of baking soda and water and plastered it on the area where you were stung. Hope you feel better but watch it in case you're allergic to the sting then you need to get to a doctor. Benedryl might help too....the pills.


Anonymous said...

Cool Picture, Here's what I found on the net about wasp stings.

Step 1
Remove the stinger. Scrape a dull butter knife against your skin in the opposite direction of the stinger entry. It should pop out. Some sources recommend removing a stinger with tweezers. However, this method can potentially inject more venom into your skin as you attempt to pry and prod out the stinger.
Step 2
Reduce pain and swelling with ice. Try to avoid putting ice directly on skin, because it can cause a flesh burn. Instead, use an ice pack or wrap a washcloth around the ice. Remove it after 10 to 15 minutes and dry the site thoroughly.
Step 3
Use a topical antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine hydrochloride, available in cream, stick or gel.
Step 4
Opt for a topical anesthetic for pain not relieved by antihistamine. Consider topical lidocaine or benzocaine.
Step 5
Apply a topical hydrocortisone cream to reduce allergic reaction around site. (we think we left a tube of this for you)
Step 6
Take an oral analgesic, like ibuprofen, for general pain that may result from venom circulating throughout your bloodstream.
Consider applying moist baking soda or mud to the sting site. Although there is no scientific evidence that these remedies work, some people find that they provide relief.
If this doesn't work, see a doctor.
Love YA

Anonymous said...

Nice picture! TIME will heal the bee sting! haha. It will itch for awhile but eventually it will be good! Hopefully it is by now!

Anonymous said...

Who's amp?? I don't know where that came from! LOL