Saturday, August 23, 2008

An interesting week

This has been quite the week down here. For starters, we had the storm pass by. We really didn´t get hit too hard, just a bunch of rain. The bulk of the storm passed to the south and west of us. Then after that, this whole past week the power has really been on the fritz. The storm may have had something to do with it, but I doubt it. The power in general has been rather poor for the last month. This week though we have had so little power that we couldn´t even keep the battery backups charged. The power would come on and start charging the batteries, but it would go out again before it could finish. A few nights, Matt and I about baked in our apartment. One night, neither of us could sleep, so both of us are standing around outside at 3 in the morning, trying to find a little bit of a breeze. Anyway, the situation was bad enough that our little town mad the national news for the riot we had here 2 nights ago. Don´t worry, it wasn´t really I riot like we think of in the states. Its just that a bunch of people took to the streets in the middle of the night and started fires all over the streets. Not actually doing any damage, just blocking of the intersections and such. The main intersection in town had this big giant bonfire. And then they started breaking glass bottles all over the streets. I don´t think anyone really got hurt though. And yesterday we had power for a good long time.

There has been a bunch of good stuff too. Matt and I went to a neighboring congregation Thursday and basically ran the entire meeting. So that was a good experience.


Anonymous said...

so u mean like running an entire meeting is what you've always wanted? is that what you're trying to say?! haha :)i'm sure u both did a good job. that's too bad about the power, hopefully things cool down abit - take care, and stay away from the rioting ok?!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there are some good experiences happening. What meeting did you run? Was there a public talk involved? I'm with Sara, stay away from those rioters. I hope that you are able to get cooled down soon.